Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Christmas Stampin' Retreat Info

It's time to register for the 2nd Annual Christmas Stampin' Retreat, hosted by Denise Sullivan and Amy Storrie.  We're so excited to host this event at the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn Frisco.  Cost includes all your supplies and instructions, meals, and extra surprises!  Hotel accommodations are optional.

What:  2nd Annual Christmas Stampin' Retreat

Where:  Hilton Garden Inn Frisco (optional:  rooms available for $103, 2 queen or 1 king) 
 ***If reserving a hotel room, please tell them you are with the Christmas Stampin' Retreat***

When:  October 26 - 27  (we'll start around 7:00 pm on Friday and finish by 5:00 pm Saturday)

Cost:  Friday night only:  $65
           Saturday only:  $125
           Both Friday & Saturday:  $175

**To pay with PayPal, please see links on left sidebar**

Price includes all supplies and instructions for 3 stamping sessions:  1 session Friday night and 2 sessions on Saturday.

Friday we will make an 8" x  8" scrapbook with album.  Saturday we will have a "3-D" session (always VERY popular!) and a 24 card stamp-a-stack.  All these projects are great to keep for yourself or give as a gift to someone special!

Price includes a snack on Friday night, along with breakfast & lunch on Saturday.  All meals are delicious and catered by the hotel.

We'll also have door prizes and specials, and lots of fun! 

PLEASE RSVP no later than October 12.  You may pay by PayPal, CC, Check, or cash.  

And please feel free to ask questions.  

Invite a friend to join you!!

Hope to see you there!

denise :)

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